Preparing for a Hurricane

Make a plan

  • Start thinking about where you and your family will go during a weather emergency. 
  • If you have pets, you should think about where they will go; emergency shelters don’t usually take animals.
  • Keep in mind that you may have access to telehealth for your medical needs during a storm.
  • Check the guidelines at your local shelter ahead of time to find out about any COVID-19 screenings or requirements.
  • If you have special medical needs, go online to register for the special needs shelter in your county.  

View a list of shelters by county

Make a kit

  • Keep supplies on hand, like medications and extra food and bottled water.
  • If you plan to stay in a shelter, you should also bring personal protective equipment, like face masks and hand sanitizer.

Recommended items

Stay informed

  • Tune in to the news when a storm or hurricane is developing nearby. Listen to evacuation orders. Don’t wait until the last minute to leave.
  • To get in touch with AmeriHealth Caritas Florida in a weather emergency, call Member Services at 1-855-355-9800 (TTY 1-855-358-5856). You can also check our website for updated information.
  • If you have problems getting medications before evacuating for a storm, please call Pharmacy Member Services 1-855-371-3963.

These other websites can help before or during a weather emergency: